Helping you become the strongest link
MAX Team Effectiveness with Insights Discovery helps in building effective teams. It works for both new and very experienced people and teams and provides a catalyst for teams to explore powerful new ideas to spark lasting improved performance.
This dynamic one-day programme, has been specially designed to help people maximise their personal effectiveness and that of the team they work with.
At Maxima we have run over 1,000 of these programmes. The day has been described as a transformational personal and team experience and the content can be tailored to address any specific needs individuals or teams may have in your organisation. Discovering Team Effectiveness with Insights Discovery works for new and very experienced people and teams and provides a catalyst for teams to explore powerful new ideas to spark lasting improved performance.
Words are words, promises are promises, only performance is reality. 
Style of programme
Our approach is highly motivational, high energy, fast paced, interactive and fun with a point. We have worked operationally and understand first-hand how important effective focused cross-functional teamwork is in getting the desired result.
We also understand the real challenges facing individuals and teams today, which means doing more with less. Hence the need for people and teams to work brilliantly together in the pursuit of the team goal. This programme has helped transform many teams leading to greatly enhanced results.
Interested in learning more?
Then get in touch with us today to discuss.
How Team Effectiveness with Insight Discovery works
We would agree your specific needs so that we can tailor the programme accordingly.
We would invite each member of your team to complete an Insights Discovery profile online. This produces a Discovery profile for each individual team member.
The Insights Discovery® Personality Profile is a highly acclaimed development tool which gives individuals an engaging, reinforcing and transformational insight into themselves and others.
Celebrating the uniqueness of each person, the profile illustrates how recognising and valuing difference can empower individuals, teams and entire organisations.
Each profile includes the Foundation and Management Chapters which enables individuals to understand their style and approach, key strengths and weaknesses, value to the team, communication style, possible blind spots, opposite type management style and suggestions for development.
What do we hope to achieve with the MAX Team Effectiveness training programme?
The aim of the programme
To enable individuals to utilise the Insights Discovery concept and their individual Discovery profiles, to gain a unique insight into who they are and who their team members are, which enables the group to explore how by being adaptable, relationships and teamwork can be optimised and focused on achieving the team’s goal.
The objectives of the MAX Team Effectiveness programme
As previously mentioned, these can be tailored to meet specific needs, but the core objectives are for participants to;
- Understand the power of perception and how this affects team dynamics
- Understand the Insights concept of colour energies
- Utilise their Discovery profile as a powerful tool for self and team development
- Understand who their team members are and the work preferences of each team member
- Understand how to adapt and connect with other team members to optimise working relationships and results for the team
- Focus on enhanced personal communication within the team
- Identify where the team could be even more effective and result oriented
- To get team members to embrace and live the spirit of ‘All for one and one for all.’
Interested in improving your team’s effectiveness?
Then get in touch with us today to find out how we can help.
How does MAX Team Effectiveness programme work?
We design the programme to meet your specific needs based on your brief. The content for the day typically covers:
- Insights Discovery – An introduction to a powerful concept for personal development
- The Insights Discovery Personal Profile
- The power of perception and how this affects team dynamics
- The four colour energies
- Potential strengths and weaknesses and what individuals bring to their team
- The team wheel and how this contributes to the culture within the business
- How individuals can adapt and connect with each other more profitably
- How communication can be optimised within the team
- The team effectiveness model focusing on what the team can do to grow the business and evolve a more positive team culture
We complete the day with individuals making commitments to the team and the team agreeing their action plan to turn good intentions into business reality.
To support the programme each individual receives their personal Discovery profile in hard copy and as a pdf. They also get a personalised copy of the MAX Team Effectiveness with Discovery guide, a copy of their team wheel, colour blocks to Remember to work on all their energies and access to an online module on Discovery for ongoing reference.
Who is this programme for?
This programme is designed for the cross-functional people who make up the team that runs your business.
Programme Leader – Martin Pepper
Martin founded Maxima in 1995. Martin has held Senior Management positions in the airline and hospitality industries and was Director of Sales Training & Business Development World-wide for Forte Hotels.
Martin is valued by clients for his experience, down to earth approach, fast pace, understanding of business reality, humour and his ability to communicate in a motivational style that makes people want to take action.
Martin is a qualified trainer and coach through the CIPD and licensed Insights Discovery Practitioners.