
‘Words are words, promises are promises, only performance is reality.’ As a sales professional you know how true this is! In 2025, just like every other year, you will be measured by the sales you bring in. So, why not start your 2025 sales campaign with a shot in the arm of ‘Supercharged Selling’?

In this dynamic one-day workshop, we will help you to start the year as you mean to go on, supercharged and focused on sales success. We will challenge you to challenge yourself to be the best salesperson you can be.  We will explore the secrets of great supercharged salespeople, how they think, how they act and how they get the results other people just dream about.

The day will be fast paced, highly motivating, participative and full of practical key things you will be able to use to supercharge your own selling. During the day we will give you the opportunity to audit your own sales performance against top supercharged sales performers. You will create your own supercharged action plan for immediate implementation. This is all about re-inventing  your sales self and

re-enthusing your desire to succeed.

All great sports performers invest time in training and coaching so that they can perform at the highest level.  ‘Supercharged Selling’ 2025 is a timely investment in you and your ability to be the best you can be.

The objective of the workshop is simple;

Participants will have the opportunity to audit their own attitude, skills, knowledge and habits, against those of top sales performers to identify where performance can be improved and to make action plans to drive those improvements.

So, if you want your selling to be ‘Supercharged’ in 2025 this programme is for you.

If you always do what you always did, you always get what you always got.

Tony Robbins, Author and Motivational speaker

Selling Time Truth

There are 366 days in 2025. If you take out weekends  that’s 104 days, bank holidays that’s  8 days, Your leave entitlement, say 25 days, then that only leaves  229 days to sell something!

Assuming you work 8 hours a day times 229 days it equals just 1,832 hours to do your target for the year!

Assuming you lose at least 3 hours a day of selling time on average due to meetings, or tasks which have nothing to do with selling, then it means you only have 1,145 hours of selling time in 2025 to make your target for the year!

Divide your target for 2025 by 1,145 hours and you now have how much you need to be selling per selling hour to make your target.

This is why you need Supercharged Selling 2025! Because you need to make every minute of every hour count.

Who should attend?

This programme is designed for salespeople who go out and sell.

It will work for very experienced and less experienced alike, It is aimed at Directors of Sales, Sales Managers, Sales Executives, Specialist salespeople indeed anyone who needs to go out and sell. So, if you have a target, if you have to find customers and sell to them, and if you want 2025 to be your best sales year yet, then this programme is for you.

We also offer additional open and in-house bespoke programmes for all aspects of sales training and if you would like more information on these then call.


To enable participants to audit their selling behaviours against top sales performers to identify where they can make improvements that will supercharge their selling in 2025.

Style of programme

This will be a power packed day. Highly motivational, participative and full of real-life examples to bring the subject to life. We believe training should be fun and that training should build confidence. We strive to make delegates feel at ease so they can soak up the experience and bring back new skills and ideas to your business.

As we work through the programme, participants will develop a personal action plan to focus their efforts following the training.

Supercharged Selling

Based on our experience of working with many of the top sales professionals in our industry, from around the world. The good news is that successful people leave clues and we have used this evidence of what successful salespeople do, combined with modern cutting edge and rapidly evolving sales techniques, to bring you this very contemporary programme.

Support material

Every participant attending will receive a copy of the MAX Guide to Supercharged Selling 2025. This will be a comprehensive personalised workbook with supporting notes for ongoing reference.

The reality is that while some key selling principles remain the same, the online information age has changed much of the way we sell. Salespeople today need to evolve to survive and thrive. This programme is designed to help you sense check where you are now and where you need to be to be successful in selling during 2025.

During the programme we will set out………….

  • How to make sure you have the right KASH balance for supercharged selling
  • How to set motivational sales goals for yourself
  • How to maximise your productive selling time to get focused on sales
  • How to maximise the value of your personal sales image
  • How to maximise sales from your existing accounts in 2025
  • How to find new business in 2025 – suspecting and prospecting
  • How to get face-to-face with real decision makers
  • How to positively differentiate yourself from the competition
  • How to use social media to best effect
  • How to turn your boss into your biggest fan !!!
  • How to beat your sales target in style


Investment and how to book

The investment for this programme includes access to highly motivational training and best practice in this area across the industry.

Each participant will receive a copy of the Max Guide to Supercharged Selling

The investment also includes refreshment on arrival, lunch and mid-morning and afternoon tea and coffee.

The fee per person is £385 plus VAT please see terms and conditions below.

To make a booking email or call 01403 733337

Investment in perspective

£385 divided by 366 days in 2025 = £1.05 per day. So, all a person attending this programme need do is increase profits for your organisation by £1.05 per day for each day of 2025 to cover your investment.

Programme Leader

Martin developed his early career in sales and operations in both airlines and hotels. He has been a National Director of Sales in the hotel industry and was Director of Sales Training & Business Development for Forte PLC before founding Maxima in 1995.

Martin has over 35 years of global sales & business experience to share with you on this programme. He has worked with some of the top sales leaders in industry from around the world and the good news is that successful people leave clues! Clues that Martin will share with you on this programme.

Martin is valued by clients for his knowledge and ability to motivate with humour and real-life stories. A qualified trainer, coach and Licensed Insights Discovery Practitioner, Martin is passionate believer in positive possibility thinking.

What our delegates say

  • "Martin was brilliant, you can tell he is a true professional with passion and experience."

  • "I’ve learnt new skills and to use the skills I already had in a better and improved way"

  • "I love the process; it has really helped me to focus on the customer’s specific needs"

  • "I now know to ask a lot more questions to establish the customers specific needs before I start trying to sell."

  • "This has really helped me to convert more business. I love the law of scarcity and liking. It works.Now I focus on putting the benefits across to the client I get much less price resistance."

Terms and conditions

On receipt of your booking Maxima will confirm your booking via email. Maxima will also invoice you the fee for the programme for which the payment is due on receipt. All fees must be paid prior to the training day. Once booked, fees are not refundable, and cancellations are charged in full. Substitutions are allowed at any time. Maxima reserve the right to cancel or postpone any programme where minimum numbers are not obtained. In such a case, participants will be offered a full refund or a place on an alternative programme. Should a programme need to be postponed or cancelled, Maxima will notify participants at least 14 days in advance of commencement of the programme.

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