
This programme has been developed from our 25 years of working with top leaders across industry. During that time, the business world has evolved and continues to evolve rapidly. New technology, new legislation and new ways of working, mean that the modern Manager is no longer just a Manager.

The modern Manager needs to inspire exceptional performance from a wide range of people with different skill sets and motivations. The modern Manager can’t just manage in the traditional sense, they need to show leadership, they need to coach, they need to train, they need to motivate, they need to engender great teamwork and they need to get each and every member of their team focused and contributing effectively to achieve the desired result.

The ultimate measure of a leader is not where they stand in moments of comfort, but where they stand at times of challenge and controversy.

Martin Luther King, Jr. 1929 – 1968

On this programme we utilise the Insights Discovery concept of personal preferences to enable participants to understand themselves at a deeper level and the people they lead. Each participant completes a Discovery profile prior to the programme, this enables us to help participants understand their leadership style and to identify areas for improvement. We then focus on eight key areas of Transformational Leadership

  • Creating a compelling vision
  • Leading change
  • Communicating with impact
  • Fostering teamwork
  • Facilitating development
  • Leading from within
  • Agile thinking
  • Delivering results

As we work through the programme participants complete a personal action plan for each key area of their leadership wheel.

Target audience

This programme is for managers with experience who need to develop their leadership skills to take them and their team to the next level. Participants have included, Hotel GM’s, Executive Chefs, Directors of Sales, Sales Managers, Executive House Keepers, Front of House Managers, Operations Managers, Business Owners, Financial Controllers, Heads of Departments.


Aim of the programme

To enable participants to utilise the key skills, principles and processes of leadership and management, to maximise their own and their individual team member’s performance, in line with the goals and results they are charged by their company to achieve.

Programme content

This is a very practical programme using the Insights Discovery concept as a framework to enable participants to:

  • Understand the difference between leadership and management and why the modern leader needs to use both disciplines.
  • Understand the Insights Discovery concept of personal preferences
  • Create a compelling vision that sets a motivational direction for the team
  • Leading change, initiating and directing transformation
  • Communicating with impact, inspiring and influencing with emotional awareness
  • Fostering teamwork, collaborating to build effective relationships
  • Facilitating development, nurturing the growth of self and others
  • Leading from within. Being authentic, resilient and true to your values
  • Agile thinking. Using different thinking modes to overcome problems and create opportunities
  • Delivering results which means honouring commitments and exceeding expectations

The Programme

When an individual learner or a team sign up to a programme then the experience begins.

The MAX Learning Guide

We will send the individual The MAX Learning Guide on the subject they have signed up to. The MAX learning guide is a structured way to work through the programme. It provides space for learners to take notes and it has expanded information for ongoing reference.

Welcome to the programme zoom call

We will schedule a 15-minute zoom call with each learner to welcome them to the programme, explain the aims and objectives and process and to discuss their individual learning objectives.

Online modules

Learners will then be sent the link to an interactive online programme which they can work through at their own pace. The programme is set out in logical sections and works in conjunction with the learning guide. The length of the online programme will vary depending on the subject.

Group Zoom deep dive-session

Having completed the online modules, learners participate in the first of 3 group session on zoom, with all the other learners on the programme. During this typically two-hour session, we will go deeper into the subject and answer questions to help people absorb and apply the training. Learners also benefit from the social interaction. During this session we will run a quiz on the subject with live scoring. This is designed to give a point to the training and to help validate the training.

Online follow-up and exam

Following the Group Zoom deep dive, each learner will be sent a link to additional online learning and the validation exam for the programme. The results will be shared with the learner and a certificate will be issued to people who graduate from the programme.

Individual Zoom Coaching Session & Review

Each learner will then have 2 x 1 hour Zoom coaching session with their Maxima coach. During these sessions we will work through personal development areas identified with the learner.

Programme fee

£750 per person plus vat – Rate includes an Insights Discovery profile, a Transformational Leadership profile The MAX Guide to Transformational Leadership and Management, access to online modules. 3 x 2 hour deep dive zoom sessions plus 2 x 1 hour personal coaching sessions

Programme Leader

Martin Pepper – Fellow of the Institute of Sales Management MD Maxima Training & Development

Martin is the Managing Director of Maxima Training & Development. Martin has held Senior Management positions in the airline and hospitality industries and was Director of Sales Training & Business Development World-wide for Forte Hotels before co-founding Maxima in 1995.

Martin is valued by clients for his experience, down to earth approach, fast pace, understanding of business reality, humour and his ability to communicate in a motivational style that makes people want to take action.

Martin has been made a Fellow of the Institute of Sales Management in recognition of his outstanding contribution in developing salespeople in the hospitality industry. Martin is a sought-after conference speaker on a range of subjects related to developing people to develop business.

Martin also leads the Maxima annual Leadership conference which brings together industry leaders to share their knowledge and experience for the next generation of leaders.

Martin is a qualified trainer and coach through the CIPD and is a licensed Insights Discovery Practitioner. A life-long learner, Martin has resisted the temptation to complete a PHD on the basis that no one would take a Doctor Pepper seriously!

What our delegates say

  • "Thank you. I now feel I have a framework that will enable me to get the best out of myself and the team."

  • "I didn't want to attend the programme when my GM put me on it, but I am so glad I came as it has really opened my eyes to better ways to motivate my team."

  • "The Discovery profile and concept have helped me understand my own management style and to identify the different working styles my team members have. I am now looking forward to adapting and connecting with each of them more effectively."

  • "I wish I had this training when I started in management. It has helped me see that there are simple and effective ways to motivate and develop my team."

  • "As a chef this is the first training I have had to help me lead and manage. I can now see that effective delegation will develop the team and free me up to work on the business not just work hard in the business."

  • "Thank you, I took a lot from the programme. I have several key action points and I am looking forward to implementing them."

  • "What opened my eyes is that I need to work smarter not harder and I need to do the same for my team. Thank you, this programme has shown me how."

  • "I liked the fact this programme was very practical, and I could use the stuff we talked about in the real world. I had been on a management programme in the past which was a lot of theory that did not fit into my working day. Thank you for keeping it real."

  • "I got so much from the programme thank you. I especially valued the need to be balanced in my leadership style. I can see now that I was too focused on results and not enough on the actions, we needed to take to get the results."

Terms and conditions

On receipt of your booking Maxima will confirm your booking via email. Maxima will also invoice you the fee for the programme for which the payment is due on receipt. All fees must be paid prior to the training day.

Once booked, fees are not refundable, and cancellations are charged in full. Substitutions are allowed at any time. In case of sickness and or unavoidable problems on the day, then we will endeavour to get the participant onto the next available programme.

Maxima reserve the right to cancel or postpone any programme where minimum numbers are not obtained. In such a case, participants will be offered a full refund or a place on an alternative programme. Should a programme need to be postponed or cancelled, Maxima will notify participants at least 21 days in advance of commencement of the programme.

Interested in learning more?

Then get in touch with us today to discuss your requirements.